Critical Design Considerations for IoT Devices with Titu Botos

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Conversations in Connectivity | Episode #4

From the design level to the system level, connected products represent a new set of technologies and capabilities that can all serve as the weakest link in a product launch.

Our guest is Titu Botos, a PhD in electronics and mobile robotics and the CEO of NeuronicWorks, a product design and manufacturing company in Canada. 

We discuss how connectivity shapes both the challenges and the complexity of the product design process and where the most common gaps in design rear their ugly head. From radio compatibility, carrier compatibility, processor selection, and security we cover a lot of ground. This even includes the multiple factors that design decisions can impact battery life for IoT devices required to operate for long periods of time in the field without a power source.

This conversation makes for a helpful checklist for someone who is considering a product idea that they want to bring to market, how complex some of these decisions can be, and what the value of having an expert guide alongside them might look like.

More great resources for IoT devs