Monitoring the Health and Wealth of 45,000 Connected Kiosks (with Eric Hoersten)

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Conversations in Connectivity | Episode #11

We’re talking with Eric Hoersten who started his career as the internet was taking its shape and how connectivity has always been a core aspect of the technology solutions he’s been involved with. Eric learned a lot about the complexities of managing large connected fleets as vice president of information technology throughout the early years of Redbox. Today, Eric is the chief product officer at Banyan Hills where they are helping companies leverage software tools and technical expertise to build effective automation around fleets of connected devices and the operations teams that manage them. 

Kick back and let the nostalgia wash over you as we revisit the pre-streaming years when a trip to your local McDonald’s was just as likely to rent or return a DVD movie than it was to buy a cheeseburger and fries. The Redbox automated kiosk experience leveraged early cellular data technology to deploy and manage over 45,000 locations across the US.  Eric shares what it was like building out the technology stack from the ground up to remotely manage their own systems and data from a central system.

What I think you’ll enjoy about this conversation is the opportunity we had to look in the rearview mirror and examine how the Redbox experience provided unique insights. Insights have been baked into the software platforms that Banyan Hills provides to their customers to manage and monitor their own fleets of connected hardware devices. 

More great resources for IoT devs